Data Protection

Privacy Policy Uzbekistan


Article: Data Protection

Thank you for visiting our website. We are pleased that you are interested in Deutsche Bahn (AG)* as a potential employer. The protection of personal data of applicants**, employees and all third parties connected with us is of particular importance to us.

When processing personal data, Deutsche Bahn takes account of the relevant statutory provisions on privacy and data security applicable in the respective countries, as well as of our internal privacy regulations.

This Privacy Notice provides information on how Deutsche Bahn deals with personal data collected through Deutsche Bahn’s job board web pages, or that you otherwise provide to Deutsche Bahn, due to your application, and explains the handling of your personal data in the course of the application process.

For better clarity, this privacy notice is divided into three sections: The first section A provides general information relevant for all subsidiaries of Deutsche Bahn which use these web pages for their application processes. Country and subsidiary specifics with regard to privacy are then explained in section B. Section C gives you further insights into technically relevant information.

Part A - General Information

1. Which purpose has the personal data collection?

Deutsche Bahn needs your personal data to handle your application. The data you have provided to us in line with your application will only be used and processed for the purpose of applicant selection. For the handling of your application, we will only use the information that you have provided to us directly. This may include details that you have stored in online career networks or other job boards.

In addition, it is our goal to make the application process as easy as possible for you. We take your application into account for further positions within our subsidiaries. In this case, we might contact you and invite you to apply for another position if your profile matches. You then decide if you are interested in applying. The same applies for any speculative application that you might have provided to us.

2. Which personal data do we collect?

We record your personal data which is relevant for, or that you provide to us during, the application process (including, but not limited to last name, first name, address, email, position you applied for, and details on your application). To be able to consider your application thoroughly we might also need information on your previous professional career and other similar information.

In order to consider you for other suitable jobs, we will ask you in some cases for your preferences (e.g., regarding preferred locations or job groups).

In the case of an online application, you complete the personal data in the online forms and upload the relevant documents. In the case of other application channels, we record the relevant information from your application and store your application documents.

3. Who processes the information from your application?

Due to the organizational structure of Deutsche Bahn and depending on the method of application chosen by you, your application might be processed by different divisions. In all cases, your personal data will exclusively be processed by the unit that is responsible for recruiting and, if necessary, by service providers which are contractually bound and legally obliged to comply with the applicable privacy regulations.

In your online application for a specific job or to attend a recruitment event, you can, as an external applicant, actively agree to the disclosure of your personal data for other suitable jobs in the same or another group company (both nationally and internationally). If you do not agree or if you cancel your agreement, this means that the application will cease to be considered for other jobs. If you have applied by email or post, we will inform you in the acknowledgement of application that we would also like to check your application against other job offers in the same or another group company. In this regard, we will advise you to notify us if you do not agree to this. Prior to any disclosure of your personal data, we will contact you again to obtain your express consent. You may cancel your agreement to disclosure at any time, by email or post, at the address indicated in Clause 1. If you retract your consent to share your application, the consequence is that your application will no longer be taken into account for other positions.

4. Who is informed about your application?

Your personal data is treated strictly confidentially and will be provided only to the competent persons involved in the recruitment process and to subcontractors which might deliver necessary services during the selection process (e.g., online test suppliers). For more details on subcontractors on a country and subsidiary level please refer to section B.

Should you be considered for employment, the subsequent use or disclosure of your information is limited to general accepted employment-related purposes to those with a need to know. This includes information disclosed to internal or third-party providers for required pre-employment check, verification and any legal or regulatory requirements.

If you apply online, we ask you to decide to which extent we are allowed to share your personal data:

  • In case you select “nationally”, your profile is visible to Personnel responsible for recruitment within the country in which the position is located or which you have selected as country of interest in the speculative application process. If in a particular country/business unit there are modifications to this, due to specific local requirements, then these are described in their respective privacy notices, Part B.
  • In case you select “internationally”, your profile is visible to Personnel responsible for recruitment independent in which country they are located. This means that all responsible employees of all DB Group companies that use this platform for their recruitment purposes, including, if applicable, employees of their respective data processors, have access to your application/profile. You find out to which DB Group companies this actually applies if you turn to the overview of the attached local privacy policies (see Section B).

Within DB Group uniform minimum standards apply for dealing with personal data, according to our Global Privacy Policy.

In particular, it is inadmissible to use your application/profile for other purposes besides our recruitment processes, as described in our Privacy Policy. Nevertheless, please note that due to the various locally applicable data protection regulations there are different levels of protection by the respective privacy regulation in the different countries.

If you applied using any other application channel besides online application, your personal data will only be shared in the country the job is located in.

You can revise your decision on the visibility of your application at any time, for instance you may decide to withdraw your decision to be visible internationally. If you want to do so, please refer to part B and the respective country and subsidiary specific section for the concrete email address.

5. How can you change your personal data?

In the case of an online application you can access and update your profile and personal information in the job board, including your personal data and added documents, at any time. Furthermore, it is possible to withdraw an application for a position via your profile. If you want us to delete your profile and/or some or all of your applications with immediate effect, please refer to part B for the respective email address to request the deletion. In this case we will also inform any subcontractor (e.g. for online tests) who might have received your personal data and request the instant deletion of your personal data.

6. When is your personal data deleted?

Due to different deletion periods based on the diverse applicable local data protection laws please refer to the relevant paragraph in part B for further details. We will only store your personal data as long as necessary.

7. You have questions about data privacy?

For question and suggestions around the privacy topic please address them to our contact persons in the respective country and subsidiary named in part B.

Part B – Additional Country and Subsidiary Specific Information

Application Procedure at Deutsche Bahn AG or a Group Company in Germany

If you apply for a job at Deutsche Bahn AG or one of its group companies in Germany (except DB Schenker AG), in addition to the general information in Parts A and C of the Privacy Statement, the following country-specific features are relevant for you.

1. In which responsibility and for which purpose is the data collected?

1.1 Who is responsible for collecting data and processing?

The party processing your data as the controller is DB Engineering & Consulting GmbH, EUREF-Campus 14, Torgauer Strasse 12-15, 10829 Berlin, Germany.

The appointed privacy officer is Ms. Dr. Marein Müller.

Should you have any questions or suggestions regarding data protection on, please contact DB Engineering & Consulting GmbH's Data Protection Team at

For you to exercise your rights, it is sufficient for you to send a letter by mail to

DB Engineering & Consulting GmbH

Personal I.THA

EUREF-Campus Haus 14

Torgauer Straße 12-15

10829 Berlin

or via E-Mail to

1.2 What is the purpose of collecting personal data?

Deutsche Bahn requires your personal data to process your application. The data you provide us with your application will only be used and processed for the purpose of selecting applicants. To process your application, we only use the information that you have provided to us directly. This may also include information you have provided in online career networks or other job portals.

In addition, it is our goal to make the application process as easy as possible for you. We would also be happy to consider your application for other positions at our subsidiaries. In this case, we would contact you and invite you to apply for another position if your profile fits. You then decide whether you would like to apply.

If you are applying for a position that involves a managerial, integrity-sensitive, and/or high-risk role, the personal data that is relevant to your application or that you have provided to us with your application will be used to verify your personal suita-bility for that position.

2. On which legal basis and how do we collect your personal data for the purposes of a job application?

(Supplement to Part A item 1)

We collect your personal data for the purpose of handling your application on the legal basis of Art. 6 clause 1 (1) b), Art. 88 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), para. 26 clause 1 (1) Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG). In the case of an online application for a specific job, an initiative application or to attend a recruitment event (cf. on this Clause 7.2 Event Portal), you enter your data into the appropriate online form yourself. For security reasons, we will send you a notice of confirmation after you have completed online registration. In the case of an email application, we enter all relevant data into our recruitment system and upload your documents including your email. Your email will subsequently be deleted from our mailbox. Where an application is made on paper, we scan your application documents and upload them into our recruitment system. Your original documents will be returned to you by post once the information has been entered.

Pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR, the legal basis for the active search for candidates (cf. Clause 6. Talent Sourcing) is provided by our overriding legitimate interest in making contact with people who may be interested in our job offers.

3. What data do we collect for the purposes of your application?

(Supplement to Part A item 2)

In relation to your application, we undertake only to use data which comes directly from you personally. This may also include data which you make available online for the purposes of the describing your professional career (e.g., in social networks). We will not undertake any additional research relating to you personally, e.g., by way of an internet search engine. Please feel free to notify us of further information relating to your professional career which is available online.

Where you make an online application, instead of entering your personal data manually or uploading a CV document, you can also transfer your profile from a social network (LinkedIn, XING, Seek, Viadeo).

If, during the application process, we ask you to state your gender by indicating how you wish to be addressed (Mr/Mrs/Ms), this is solely to ensure that we use the correct form of address when writing or speaking to you. The reason for entering your age or date of birth is that a statutory minimum age applies to some of our professions and jobs. Non-EU nationals require a work permit for Germany. We will therefore ask about your nationality during the application process.

4. Who processes the information contained in your application?

(Supplement to Part A item 3 and 4)

In your online application for a specific job or to attend a recruitment event, you can, as an external applicant, actively agree to the disclosure of your personal data for other suitable jobs in the same or another group company (both nationally and internationally). If you do not agree or if you cancel your agreement, this means that the application will cease to be considered for other jobs. If you have applied by email or post, we will inform you in the acknowledgement of application that we would also like to check your application against other job offers in the same or another group company. In this regard, we will advise you to notify us if you do not agree to this.

You provide us with your personal data in regard to your interest for an international vacancy. As part of the bid management and hiring process, it is possible that your information will be shared with DB Engineering & Consulting's sites that may also be located outside of the European Union and/or the European Economic Area (EU/EEA). This describes an international transfer to third parties and requires your consent to this privacy statement. Your personal data is transferred to Germany and the site of the job.

In the course of our international engineering and consulting business and the related recruiting decisions for certain positions, it is necessary to submit personal data to our clients.

In order to be able to submit your data to our sites, located outside of the European Union and/or the European Economic Area (EU/EEA) and to our clients, we need your consent to this privacy statement.

The same level of data protection applies within the EU and the EEA. However, please note that the European Commission has recognized only a few countries outside the EU and the EEA to date as having reasonable levels of data protection compared with the EU and the EEA. One should not expect the same level of data protection to prevail in countries outside of the EU and EEA. Please be aware of this when you provide us with your personal information as part of your application.

For some jobs, a company medical and/or psychological aptitude examination is required. Following the examinations, our appointed service providers will inform us of the applicant's suitability/fitness for the job in question. We do not receive information about your personal examination results.

When selecting someone for a specific job, and throughout the recruitment process, your application documents will be shared with those responsible for recruitment in the relevant group company.

Overall, it is our goal to make the application process as easy as possible for you. We would also be happy to consider your application for other positions at our subsidiaries. In this case, we would contact you and invite you to apply for another position if your profile fits. You then decide whether you would like to apply.

5. Stay in touch – DB Talent Pool

If you actively agree (see B4) to the disclosure of your personal data for other relevant positions in the relevant or other Group companies (national or international), we may invite you to remain in contact with us for a longer period of time with regard to your professional orientation.

In this case we offer you, for example, following your application for a specific position or after your internship at DB, regular updates about suitable vacancies or relevant DB topics.

If you give us your consent, we may ask for your entry preferences (e.g., preferred region, area of application and type of entry) and your time availability.

6. Talent Sourcing

In order to attract staff, we actively search social networks, fora and other freely available internet resources for interesting candidate profiles. In the course of this proactive search for candidates, we only process data which has obviously been made public by the candidates themselves (name, profile, contact details where applicable).

We generally contact candidates via the messaging function of the relevant network. We offer candidates the opportunity to talk with us and find out more about Deutsche Bahn and about the job vacancies that would be relevant for them. Candidates may decide for themselves whether they would like to apply for one of the positions via the portal access or via a link provided by us.

If you do not respond to our invitation to apply for a vacancy or to remain in contact with us, your personal information will be deleted by us after four months at the latest.

7. When will your personal data be deleted?

(Supplement to Part A item 6)

In the context of an online application for a specific job or to attend a recruitment event, as well as depositing your data for the purpose of long-term contact, you can delete your data and the attachments (e.g. your CV) at any time yourself. In addition, you can ask us to delete your data. If you require the immediate deletion of your applicant profile, please contact the address indicated in Clause 1.

Our standard deletion period for an application is four months after the end of the application process (the applicant has either been hired or rejected) or after the end of a recruiting event.

If you have submitted your profile and CV to the DB Talent Pool by filling out the consent form you received from us via email, we will contact you if your profile has not been active for 12 months and ask you to update your data and that you reconfirm the storage of those within two months. If you do not contact us, deletion of your data from the DB Talent Pool will take place, after no more than 18 months of inactivity, following a further reminder.

8. Functions of the DB Career Portal

The functions of the DB Career Portal are described below.

8.1 Contacting us for the purposes of recruitment to Deutsche Bahn

On the career portal, we offer you the possibility of contacting us directly.

To do this, you can use the "Contact" menu item at the bottom of the website to call up an appropriate contact form. By filling out the individual form fields, your request will be sent directly by email to the Deutsche Bahn Career Team. The fields marked "*" are mandatory fields, which we need in order to answer your inquiry. The personal data that you make available to us in the context of this inquiry will only be used to answer your inquiry and/or to contact you and for the associated technical administration. This data will not be used for any other purpose, nor will data be shared with third parties. Your inquiry will be deleted after it has been processed, or at your request, but in any case, after no more than 12 months.

8.2. Event Portal

On our career site, you have the option of searching in the Event Portal for recruitment events which may be of interest to you and you can apply to attend. Attending a recruitment event can result in a concrete job opportunity. If you already have access to the job board, you can use this to log into the Event Portal. If not, you can carry out a new registration in the Event Portal. In your online application to attend a recruitment event, you can, as an external applicant, actively agree to the disclosure of your personal data for other suitable jobs or events in the same or another group company (both nationally and internationally). If you do not agree or if you cancel your agreement, this means that your application will cease to be considered for other jobs and events.

8.3 Share a job with someone

On our job board and in the Event Portal, you have the option of sharing jobs or events with friends or acquaintances. If you want to share a job or an event, enter your name, email address and the email address of the recipient. Next, enter the subject and a message to the recipient. An email, containing your message and a link to the job advert, will then be generated automatically and sent to the recipient. The data entered in this regard will not be stored by us.

8.4 Job watch list with e-mail function

The career portal offers the possibility of placing jobs on a watch list. To do this, click on the star symbol in a job advertisement.

The job will then be saved in the local storage of the browser. By deleting the browser chess, the marked positions will be deleted.

If the user decides to send the watch list by e-mail, this is made possible with the help of a form. By entering an e-mail address, the watch list is sent to the specified recipient. The e-mail address is only used for sending via the mail server of Deutsche Bahn AG and is then deleted.

9. Technical information on the career portal (

(Supplement to Part C)

9.1 Supplemental information on the use of cookies (Supplement to Part C Item 2)

Session cookies cannot be deactivated as they are necessary for the use of this website.

The “JSESSIONID cookie” is used as an identifier for applications using stateless protocols in order to identify multiple requests from one client and assigned them to a session. This cookie contains a long, alphanumeric ID which is stored on the server. If the two IDs match, the client is permitted to send queries to the server. The session and the cookie are deleted as soon as the page is closed.

9.2 Supplemental information on the use of YouTube (Supplement to Part C Item 4)

We are interested in giving you a wide variety of information across media formats. Our website includes embedded YouTube videos. The legal basis for this processing is Article 6 Subsection 1 littoral f of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We merely enable a connection to YouTube. YouTube is a service of Google Inc., Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

The privacy-enhanced mode is activated for all YouTube videos on our website. The privacy-enhanced mode is provided by YouTube and ensures that YouTube does not save any cookies containing personal data on your computer. When the website is called up and in the embedding of the videos the IP address is transmitted. This will not be assigned to any other data if before you call up the page you have not logged in to YouTube or another Google service or if you are not permanently logged in.

When you click to play the embedded video, the privacy-enhanced mode means that YouTube saves on your computer only cookies that do not contain any personally identifiable data. These cookies can be disabled in the browser settings and extensions. YouTube sets a session cookie that is deleted when you close your browser.

For more information on the integrated YouTube videos, see YouTube's informational page under:

9.3 Integration of Google Maps

We integrate content from Google Maps on our site. In the default setting, this service is inactive for us, but can be activated by you.

By clicking on the link to display the map ("Activate map"), you will be connected to Google Maps. In doing so, you transmit personal data (at least your IP address) to Google. Then the external content will be displayed to you. Google is solely responsible for the associated data processing. What other data is processed in this process is beyond our knowledge and influence. The company that provides the service in the European Union, the European Economic Area and Switzer-land is Google Ireland Limited, a company registered and operated under the laws of Ireland (registration number: 368047) with its registered office at Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Further information on data protection at Google can be found here:

9.4 What happens with links to external websites?

When you click a link to an external website, you are forwarded to a page outside DB's career portal. Deutsche Bahn AG does not assume responsibility for the content, services or products offered by or the data protection and technical security on the linked website.

10. Rights of the Data Subject

You have the right to request information on the personal data stored about you, at any time. You also have the right to request the correction of inaccurate personal data concerning you, including the completion of incomplete data, if necessary in the form of a supplementary statement. In addition, you have the right, where appropriate, to request the deletion of stored personal data about you. If statutory provisions, e.g. storage obligations, do not allow deletion, processing of your data will instead be restricted (i.e. blocked), so that the data is only accessible for the purpose of complying with the mandatory statutory provisions. You may also have the right to request that the processing of your data be restricted (blocking). With regard to personal data that you have made available to us and which is processed by us using automated procedures based on consent or contractual agreement, you have the right to request that this data be transferred to you or, where applicable, to a third party designated by you. You may object to data processing for reasons arising from your particular situation if data processing is based on our overriding legitimate interests or is necessary for the performance of a public duty. Insofar as data processing is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw consent at any time. You also have a right to complain to any regulatory body in Germany. The regulatory body responsible for Deutsche Bahn AG is: Berlin Data Protection and Freedom of Information Commissioner, Alt-Moabit 59-61, 10555 Berlin, email:

To exercise your rights as a data subject, simply send a letter by post or email to the Recruitment Department at the address indicated in Clause 1. “Who is responsible for data collection and processing?”.

Please also contact this address if you wish to withdraw your agreement to the alternative consideration of your application for other suitable jobs within the group or for the purposes of ensuring the international visibility of your profile/application.

Please do not use the above contact details for sending us your job application. If you have any problems with the online application, please contact us by way of the contact form which is available under menu item "Contact".

Part C – Technical Information

For technical reasons, certain data must be collected and saved when you visit this website. The following data is collected without any action on your part and saved until it is automatically deleted after 10 days:

  • IP address from the querying computer,
  • Date and time of access,
  • Name and URL of the file acessed,
  • Website from which the access took place (referrer URL),
  • the browser used and in some cases the operating system of your computer.

1. How is your personal data transferred?

The internet server of our provider meets the current security standards. Our aim is to protect your personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, publication, change and deletion. Your personal data is transferred to the servers using the security standard, the TLS method.

2. What is a cookie?

Cookies are small text files which might store personal data. Cookies can be sent to this website when it is called, allowing the user to be identified. Cookies help users to use internet sites more easily.

We differentiate between cookies that are necessary for the technical functions of the website and those that are not necessary. We would like to provide you the option to make an informed decision for or against the use of cookies that are not necessary for technical functions of this website. The use of this website in its entirety will not be affected by this.

2.1 How are cookies used?

This is an information of how and in what manner cookies are used on our sites.

The use of the career portal and application system is generally possible without the use of cookies that do not serve a technical purpose. This means that you can prevent browser tracking from cookies (do-no-track, tracking protection list) or disallow saving of third-party cookies. In addition, we recommend checking the saved cookies regularly if they are not expressly desired.

Please note that when you delete all cookies, you are also deleting any opt-out cookies, meaning that you must opt out again.

Cookies that are mandatory for using the site:

Session cookies cannot be deactivated as they are necessary for the usage of this website.

The “PHPSESSID cookie” and the "ScustomPortal-[...] cookie" are used by the platform on stateless protocols as identification criteria to recognize several associated requests of a client and to assign them to one session. In these cookies there is a long alphanumerical ID included which is also stored on the server. In case both IDs match, the client is allowed to send a request to the server. The session and the cookie are destroyed as soon as the page is closed.

3. Use of Adobe Analytics

This website uses Adobe Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited (4-6 Riverwalk, City West Business Campus, Dublin 24, Ireland) ("Adobe"), in order to analyze and periodically improve the use of this website. The statistics we collect enable us to improve our services and make them more interesting for you as a user. Adobe Analytics uses cookies with a duration of 24 months that are stored on your computer to enable us to analyze your use of the website.

The information generated by the cookie is transferred to an Adobe server in the USA and stored there. Since a technique for anonymizing your IP address is activated on this website, your IP address will be shortened beforehand. Adobe will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services to us relating to website activity and internet usage. In this way we can see how often which sections and texts on our pages are read and used, and whether the design of our page has an influence on the extent of use. The statistics obtained allow us to improve our offer and make it more interesting for you as a user. Entries made in form fields during the application process are not evaluated with Adobe Analytics.

Adobe provides us with this information only as aggregate data that represents general website usage. The information we receive from Adobe is not personalized nor is it possible to link it to one specific individual.

The legal basis for the use of Adobe Analytics is Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. f) GDPR.

You can object to the creation of the user profiles described above at any time. There are several ways of doing so:

  1. One possibility to object to web analysis by Adobe Analytics is to set an opt-out cookie that instructs Adobe not to store or use your data for web analysis purposes. Please note that with this solution, the web analysis will only not take place as long as the opt-out cookie is stored by the browser. If you would like to set the opt-out cookie now, please click here:
  2. You can also prevent the storage of the cookies used for profile creation by setting your browser software accordingly.

Please note: if you delete the cookies on your device, the opt-out cookie will also be deleted, so you need to exercise your objection again.

4. Use of YouTube

We want to give you a wide variety of information across media formats. Our website includes embedded YouTube videos. We merely enable a connection to YouTube. YouTube is a service of Google Inc., Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

The privacy-enhanced mode is activated for all YouTube videos on our website. The privacy-enhanced mode is provided by YouTube and ensures that YouTube does not save any cookies containing personal data on your computer. When the website is called up and in the embedding of the videos the IP address is transmitted. This will not be assigned to any other data if before you call up the page you have not logged in to YouTube or another Google service or if you are not permanently logged in.

When you click to play the embedded video, the privacy-enhanced mode means that YouTube saves on your computer only cookies that do not contain any personally identifiable data. These cookies can be disabled in the browser settings and extensions. YouTube sets a session cookie that is deleted when you close your browser.

For more information on the integrated YouTube videos, see YouTube's informational page under:

Additional information:

*  To Deutsche Bahn belong all subsidiary companies of Deutsche Bahn AG.

** For reasons of better legibility, the simultaneous use of male and female language forms is dispensed with. However, all descriptions apply to all gender types.